3D Scanning & LiDAR Services in New York

Capturing The Big Apple through Precise 3D Scans & Point Clouds

Point Cloud of Crosby St in SoHo, Manhattan

In the heart of the bustling media capital, New York, MYND Workshop offers unparalleled 3D scanning and LiDAR services tailored for the dynamic needs of the Media & Entertainment industry. Our expertise spans capturing the intricate details of New York's iconic architecture and vibrant urban landscapes, aiding in film production, game development, and virtual reality projects. Our state-of-the-art technology and creative approach ensure that every project, whether set against the backdrop of Soho's cast-iron facades or the historical grandeur of Brooklyn's cultural institutions, is captured with the utmost precision and realism.

3D Point Cloud of Beaux Arts Court at the Brooklyn Museum

Our services extend beyond New York, covering the entire region and available for national and international projects. With a focus on delivering comprehensive solutions, we combine various scanning techniques, including drone photogrammetry and environment scanning, to provide a full suite of assets for look development, pre-viz, and digital asset creation. Our dedicated New York scanning crew works closely with creative teams to bring their vision to life, offering a seamless integration of digital twins into the creative workflow.

Our Scanning Services for Creatives in NYC